Welcome .
Enjoy hacking more than 200 VMs, challenges, rankings, online labs and have fun.
If you love the points below, you are welcome :)
1. Privacy.
At HMV We believe in freedom and privacy, thats why we do not save cookies, emails or any kind of data that can be directly related to the person.
Only the logs of the services are kept for 72 hours (which include IPs) to guarantee the operation of the platform.
There are no third companies associated with us.
There is no advertising.
2. Beauty.
There is still the myth that because something is free it must be worse than something that is paid.
HMV is done for the love of sharing knowledge, not for the love of money, so we try to make it the same even better than any payment alternative, so that everyone can have free access and be a quality platform.
Don't you think so? Really? Tell us what you would change.
3. Friendly.
We love that there are more platforms that teach security, although we do not share the same ideas as some of them, we are not supporters of cults or extreme fanboys. It is incredible that there are so many possibilities
to learn, and they are not exclusive! So learn everywhere!
4. Serve.
As Buddha said: "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle. Happiness never decreases by being shared."
We know that there are still people without fixed access to the Internet or with a very slow connection, that is why we create VM machines instead of using VPN.
We love cybersecurity, and we want people to be able to learn and practice their skills for free and safely.
We try to do the best possible with our infra.
5. Share.
We love human contact and collaboration.
We love that people acquire knowledge so that they can later share it, to reach more people, so new ideas arise and everything evolves in general ...
If you want to share something with us, an idea or suggestion or .... feel free to do it.
On the other hand, we encourage you to write your own blog, create your own page, your own challenge etc ...
6. Respect.
There is little to say. Respect and you will be respected.
We are against any movement that encourages violence, abuse, racism etc ...
7. Competition.
There is a ranking where you can participate by entering the flag once the VM has been resolved.
It is not mandatory, if you do not want to appear in the ranking, you can resolve the VMs and not enter the flag.
We encourage camaraderie and the goal should be to learn and challenge yourself, not win.
There are not and will not be prizes in cash or similar, so as not to promote any type of competition that is not healthy.